Restoring Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are a durable and secure method for restoring your smile following tooth loss. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. However, gum disease and similar infections could potentially damage your dental implants. Dr. Scott Wingard and Dr. Caleb Morris, the experienced dentists at Summerville Dentistry in Augusta and Evans, GA, can restore your smile with dental implants restoration and teach you how to help them last a lifetime.

Gum Disease and Dental Implants

One of the reasons dental implants are so secure is that they are placed directly in bone tissue and permanently fuse with it through a process called osseointegration. Once fully fused with the bone, which can take several months, dental implants will not shift out of place. Additionally, since they are made of hypoallergenic titanium metal, they will never decay. These are just some of the reasons dental implants can so securely anchor replacement teeth, such as crowns or bridgework, in place.

Unfortunately, gum disease and a gum condition known as peri-implantitis can put dental implants at risk. If either condition develops during the first few months after placing dental implants, there is a possibility the implants will not fully fuse with the bone tissue. In some cases, peri-implantitis can even cause bone tissue to begin deteriorating.

In the case of gum disease, even if it does not develop until well after osseointegration has occurred, the dental implants can still be affected if the gums around them begin receding. If that happens, it can be detrimental to the stability and fit of the dental implant. Bone tissue could also be affected if the gum disease spreads to the jawbone.

Caring for and Restoring Dental Implants

Gum disease and peri-implantitis can share similar symptoms, such as gums that are red, tender, and bleed when brushing. The best way to prevent either condition and properly care for your dental implants is to develop and maintain a thorough and effective oral hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing daily, as well as regular dental checkups with professional cleanings.

Restoring dental implants that have been affected by gum disease or peri-implantitis could involve periodontal therapy to restore gum health. Oral surgery might also be necessary to restore the stability of the dental implants. If only the crown or bridgework covering a dental implant is damaged, then restoration can often be accomplished by replacing the crown or bridge. The skilled dentists at our office in Evans can explain more about dental implant restoration.

Steps can be taken to restore your dental implants if they have been damaged or have not fully fused to the bone. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wingard or Dr. Morris to learn more about dental implant restoration by calling Summerville Dentistry in Evans, GA, at (706) 250-2998. Our Augusta, GA, office can be reached at (706) 738-4723.

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Evans, GA Office




7:30 am-5:00 pm




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